Thursday, June 7, 2012


Hydro- Electricity?? YES!!

What is hydro- Electricity?? Hydro- electricity is electricity produced by water power.  The energy is found in green houses and in temperate climates. Hydro electricity is the largest renewable energy source. This electricity is made by the movement of water.  It is usually made with dams that block rivers or collect water that is pumped there.  Alexander Gorlov spent a decade redesigning one of the world’s oldest, simplest machines, the turbine.  The turbine has been designed to harness the kinetic energy of moving water without the need for dams.  Good reasons for the turbine interest:  South Korea’s energy demands are growing about 4% each year. The country has no fossil fuels.  Turbines will create a pressure barrier that will keep fish away from blades.  Alexander imagines floating power farms that would harness the kinetic energy of the world’s major ocean currents.  Hydro power plants produce about 24% of the world’s electricity and supply more than 1 billion people with power.  The hydro- electric cycle is important to hydropower plants because they depend on water flow.  “Were not poisoning our air, our water, our environment…who can argue with that?” 
