Thursday, June 7, 2012

Straight Talk about Natural Gas

Director of Engineering, Hunter Daly, Takes time to talk about Natural Gas.

What do you think about your energy?
It is good usable source of energy; I think natural gas is going to have a good future.  

Why do you think this energy will work for are city?
It is close by, and I believe we should use the earth and use it to our advantage.

What energy do you not like?
I dislike coal the most.

Is your job hard here?
No, it is easy

-Taylor Stolp


  1. Hydrofracking causes earthquakes

    go solar

    the cous'

  2. source to the above

    the cous'

    1. Earthquakes are a natural cause.Hydrofracking is a manmade way to supply energy. Earthquakes have nothing to do with Hydrofracking. Why dont you go look up your information instead of making it up.

  3. obvioulsy i do look up my info or i wountd'n have cited my source hydrofracking causes earthquakes In order to do drill for natural gas, drilling companies add chemicals to water and drill, using the method of hydraulic fracturing or hydrofracking. The main concern with this is the fact that the drills can hit water sources and contaminate our water. 60-80% of the toxic water and fluids both used for and resulting from hydrofracking remains underground. Also gas companies claim the natural gas that is found from hydrofracking is a clean source of energy. This is only partially correct because while natural gas does burn more cleanly, the extraction process of hydrofracking releases a lot of methane (CO4) into the atmosphere and Methane is known to be amongst the leaders in greenhouse gasses. Between hitting water sources and releasing greenhouse gasses, the process of hydraulic fracturing can be and often is harmful to both our environment and health.

    hydrofraking is the worst source cited

    the cous'
