Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Little Nugget about Nuclear Energy

“Nuclear energy is good because it doesn’t pollute the air it runs 24 hours a day so you can have light. I don’t know the cons for it and I think we should use it for our city.” Kyra stated. Well as you can see Nuclear energy is only good for a few things but not good for everything. Nuclear energy is still very dangerous. Nuclear energy is what caused Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and a previous one in Japan.

That’s all I got to say for today! Geo is the right way to go!

   -Anthony Cash money Thompson


  1. i agree nuclear is equal to terror i as a citizen of weebuiltdis city thing we should run our city of solar energy it is a clean and reliable source of energy it has no pollutants and stores energy in storage tanks for cloudy days and at night. also i think natural gas is not a very good energy source it kills babies and lights your sinks on fire. Nuclear energy is also bad cause it can leak and cause radition sickness. over all solar is a boss.

    the cous'

  2. Dan, you are very wrong. Radiation cannot leak. Also, Mr. "Cash Money", Chernobyl, Three Mile, and Fukushima, all were caused by events other than the radiation. It is impossible. Another fact, those were the only three problems with Nuclear power there has ever been, and only one is in the U.S.A.

    'Nuff said.

  3. well Zack nothing is impossible you said your self that all those events happened for a reason whose to say you nuclear plant wont have a reason to have a melt down say the temperature in the reactor gets to hot and causes the nuclear core to melt through the structure and go straight into the earth because at that temperature the core can melt through concrete.

    well honestly i think theres been "nuff said."

    the cous'

  4. Radioactive waste
    The production of nuclear power produced a lot of waste material. This waste material is extremely hazardous and difficult to dispose of safely. Most radioactive waste produced by a nuclear power plant is keep on site or is buried underground in huge concrete pits. This waste has to be carefully looked after for many thousands of years.

    High risks associated with accidents
    While the chance of a nuclear accident happening are relatively low the risks associated are extremely high. Even small radiation leaks can cause devastating effects on the surrounding environment and people. A cataclysmic accident can cause widespread radiation poisoning across many countries as the Chernobyl Nuclear disaster proved.

    Terrorist Targets
    Due to the wide spread damage a reactor breach could cause, nuclear power plants could become favoured terrorist targets. Some nuclear reactions also produce plutonium in large quantities which could be used in nuclear weaponry.

    Not renewable
    Nuclear power is not a renewable source of energy. Uranium is a metal that is mined from the ground in much the same way as coal is mined. It is a scarce metal and the supply of uranium will one day run out making all the nuclear power plants obsolete. Nuclear power is not a long term solution to finding a renewable, environmentally friendly energy source.

    Time and Money
    It takes a long time to plan and build a nuclear power plant that is safe and effective. Nuclear power is therefore to a quick solution to the world’s energy issues. In addition to the time it take to effectively plan and build a nuclear power plant, a lot of money has to be spent to make sure that the plant is safe. Unsafe plants mean that there are more likely to be accidents.

    nuclear is really bad go solar

    the cous'
